Perth Festival 2018

Wednesday 7 February – Friday 23 March 2018

Museum of Water is a radically different museum that showcases, in Australia’s driest state, our connection to the world’s most essential life source. For over a year UK artist Amy Sharrocks has been towing her rusty trailer around the State, turning strangers into friends and liquid into art as she collects watery donations and the memories that go with them.

Now we can gather the whole collection together at Fremantle Arts Centre. Wander through a WA landscape where you can see more than 500 bottles of water, each with its own remarkable story. There are samples from Poison Gully and a Dragon Tree Soak, grey water from a laundry, a splash from a Paralympian’s swimming pool.

Follow a stream of water words as the Museum’s custodians share the many tales behind each bottle. Or share your own story and add to the collection by donating a bottle of water that is precious to you during the Festival.

Alongside the main collection allow time to wander the corridors, where water pools in unexpected places or take a walk outside under sonic umbrellas. Spend the afternoon reading water stories from across the state and watch a series of short documentary films made by students from remote and metro areas about what water means to them.

Spend your Festival weekends diving into a program of free workshops, sensory walking tours, conversations and Sunday music from the Reunion Islands, Ghana and Kenya.

Try your hand at building water crafts with a maritime archaeologist before setting sail on open waters, learn how to have a 3 minute shower, trace the former shorelines of Walyalup, make your own distilling system for fresh water, build water carriers with ceramic experts and explore your grace and stamina by dancing in water with Rio Olympic synchronized swimmers. Explore the full Museum of Water event program at Fremantle Arts Centre.

Make sure you have a sip of our finest at the Water Bar, infused with peppermint leaves, marri blossoms and West Australian natives.

‘A lyrical, imaginative and moving collection of stories by, and for, all of us.’
– The West Australian

» Listen to 2017 Swimmers Manifesto
» Sonic encounters and Conversations on water 2017

7 Feb

Discover the collection
8 Feb – 23 Mar
10am – 5pm, daily

Donate your water
8 Feb – 4 Mar
11am – 3pm, daily

Choose your water. 
Find a bottle to put it in. 
Tell us why you brought it.

A Perth Festival and Artsadmin production in association with Fremantle Arts Centre. A Perth Festival Commission.

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