Um of Water – Luminato Festival dates announced

Um of Water at Luminato Festival will open from 9th to 19th of June. Please save the dates.

Um of Water is an invitation to sit, listen, and be with Water.

Museum of Water began in the UK as a collection of public offerings of personal connections to water, intended to deepen our relationships with water. In this new collaboration, a purpose-formed Indigenous artist collective comprised of Elwood Jimmy, Leslie McCue, and Sara Roque reimagines this project with UK artist Amy Sharrocks as Museum of Water.

Um of Water responds to and evolves with the Indigenous context of the land we are on and the Water we live with and rely upon for our collective survival.

The work begins with a series of conversations and invitations – to recalibrate our relationship to Water, to move towards collectively centering Water instead of the human, and to strengthen our capacities in support of Water, water access, and precious water knowledges.

The Um of Water culminates during Luminato 2022, activating locations across Toronto by the Water, for the Water, and on the Water. Guided by the flow of the Water and the watershed we are on, local artists lead participants in experiences of resurfacing knowledges, communal gathering, and deep listening. Activities include activations along the Humber River, a Sonic Boat Journey on Lake Ontario, a hydrophone installation at Luminato Live at Yonge-Dundas Square, a virtual interactive Un-Mapping Platform, and more.

Please consider donating to the Keepers of Water to help keep our waters clean and safe.

Image: Drawing Change

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