Public Commons

Water is our public commons across the world.

How we treat it and care for it impacts us all, in interconnected systems of breath, tides and transevaporation.

Museum of Water is an open process of learning.
The Museum was originally created by Amy Sharrocks but immediately became a collective work. It has been made new in each country with people who live there, who re-understand the work in collaborative practice, who co-curate the programmes and co-create the shape of the Museum.


In this new collaboration, an Indigenous artist collective – Elwood Jimmy, Leslie McCue, and Sara Roque – reimagines this project with Amy Sharrocks as MuseUm of Water.
Um of Water responds to and evolves with the Indigenous context of the land we are on, and the Water we live with and rely upon for our collective survival.
Um of Water is an invitation to sit, listen, and be with Water.

Elwood Jimmy – Leslie McCue – Sara Roque – Amy Sharrocks
Design Sebastien Aubin
Artwork Clara Peltier
Animation Tone Davies H28
Production Assistant Alisa Oleva
Producer Alison Wong, Luminato
Mary Osborn, Artsadmin UK
Um of Water is commissioned and presented by Luminato in partnership with Artsadmin UK
Luminato Festival Director Naomi Campbell
Acknowledgements Design de Plume, Drawing Change, Alex Rand, Murray Richardson, Mark Calzavara, Council of Canadians


Western Australia
2016-18 saw us travelling to the vast landscapes of Western Australia. We acknowledge the Noongar people who remain the spiritual and cultural birdiyangara of this kwobidak boodjar and the Menang people, the traditional owners of the lands we are standing on. We pay our respects and give thanks to them for sharing their knowledges with us.

Australia Custodians
Janet Carter
Gabby Howlett
Jen Jamieson
Mei Swan Lim
Sandy MacKendrick
Sarah Nelson
Rebecca Orchard
Amy Sharrocks
Irma Woods
Design Zoe Atkinson
Lighting design Martin Langthorne
Sound Design Rachael Dease
Creative Producer Sarah Rowbottam
Perth Festival Director Wendy Martin


From 2014-16 the Museum was resident in The Netherlands with the Rotterdamse Schouwburg. We developed an extraordinary programme looking at the fear of water as well as the pleasures of water, tracing the movement of water through our bodies, through the urban management of water, out into water law and imagined future water worlds. Visit the Dutch Museum of Water Facebook page for more information on our work in The Netherlands.

Netherlands Custodians
Curators Sanneke van Hassel, Anouk Driessen & Amy Sharrocks
Mary Osborn
Alannah Pirrit
Simone van Hulst
Mark van de Koppel
Eva Nobbe
Margje Ottevanger
Marel Jap Sam
Bram Verhoeven
Lighting design Martin Langthorne
Architect Dimitri Kruithov
Producer Jolien Sanderse
Theatre Rotterdamse Schouwburg Director Ellen Walraven


Between 2013-2016 Museum travelled across Britain, visiting over 30 different sites across the countries. The UK, Dutch and WA collections for Museum of Water are now complete.

UK Custodians
Alannah Pirrit
Amy Poole
Amy Sharrocks
Betty Chen
Elizabeth Howell
Ella Campbell
Emily Walsh
Kim Dennis
Mahalia Taylor
Mariam Turay
Mary Osborn
Rosa Farber
Rebeka Gasparics
Sam Hawes
Thomas Doherty
Design Lucy Carruthers
Lighting Design Martin Langthorne
Sound Design Tom Hackley & 59 Productions
Artsadmin Producers Cat Harrison, Mark Godber and Skye Kunstelj
Director Judith Knight


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