How to Donate

Donating to Museum of Water is easy
Choose what water is most precious to you.
Find a bottle to put it in.
Come and tell us why you chose it.
We will keep it for you.

Museum of Water travels to different sites worldwide, building new collections specific to each country. You can donate in person at Museum of Water – please see Events for our locations.

In each country we work locally to develop cultural programmes to accompany the Museum and to explore the context of water in which this work is being made. Please see here for the wide-ranging programme in collaboration with King’s College London & Somerset House Perth Festival Events Programme at Fremantle Arts Centre Rotterdam Schouwburg here
You can hear donor’s voices on the Sound Archive page.

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Between 2013-2016 Museum travelled across Britain, visiting over 30 different sites across the countries. The UK, Dutch and WA collections for Museum of Water are now complete.

From 2014-16 the Museum was resident in The Netherlands with the Rotterdamse Schouwburg. 2016-18 saw us travelling to the vast landscapes of Western Australia.

These are not an exhaustive collections, but completing the collections allows us to gain perspective and to explore a timeline between distant and recent past, our present situations and the coming future. Moving our focus from gathering water allows us to put more energy into exploring the current collections.

WITH MANY THANKS to all our collaborators worldwide


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