Introducing the Um

In this new collaboration in Ontario, MuseUm of Water responds to and evolves with the Indigenous context of the land we are on, and the water we live with and rely upon for our collective survival.

On 25th January, please join MuseUm of Water collective members Elwood Jimmy, Leslie McCue, Sara Roque and Amy Sharrocks in conversation with Alison Wong, around process, practice, language(s), responsibility, accountability and the necessity and urgency of paths to wiser relationships with water and with each other. Prior to the online conversation, the programming commences with a centring of the water that begins from sunrise and continues until sunset.

This is the first in a series of monthly curated online conversations with many guests speaking to different aspects of our relationship to water.

Please consider donating to the Keepers of the Water to help keep our waters clean and safe:

Introducing the Um
Tuesday January 25, 2022
Online – Sunrise to Sunset
Conversation 12:30 pm EST/17:30 GMT

MuseUm of Water is an ongoing digital project culminating at Luminato 2022.

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