Museum of Water Ontario Launches

Museum of Water Ontario launches an interactive and virtual experience on 14 October 2021.

Museum of Water began in the UK as a collection of water that told stories of the people and places it came from, intimate and institutional reconsiderations of this precious substance. It has since travelled to The Netherlands and Western Australia. In this latest iteration, undertaken in collaboration with a collective of Indigenous artists in the place we now call Canada, the artwork strives to simultaneously acknowledge, sit with, move with, and evolve with the layers of past and present colonial history and contexts embedded within both the water and land we rely on for survival. The museum is an invitation to simultaneously enter into a conversation, and gesture towards building a collective capacity and stamina for action in support of and in service to water, precious water knowledges, and water access.

Responding to one of the most critical issues of our days, Museum of Water questions and cherishes the interconnections between the human and non-human worlds. The interactive and virtual experience launches on 14 October 2021 and will continue across 2022.

At this time, given the ongoing climate where this place now known as Canada continues to have non-generative relations with Indigenous peoples, the land, and the waters, the collective would like to remain anonymous in solidarity with the many Indigenous children buried in unmarked graves as part of the Colonial project, who are only now beginning their return home.

Show your support by donating to Indian Residential School Survivors Society
Museum of Water Ontario is commissioned by Luminato Festival Toronto and produced with Artsadmin (UK).

More info on the Luminato website
Access the work here

Museum of Water image by Clara Peltier

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