Food, water via land and climate (Professor Tim Benton)

26 June 2014

Food, water via land and climate: the interconnectedness of all things (Professor Tim Benton)

Douglas Adams’ fictional detective, Dirk Gently, managed a ‘Holistic Detective Agency’ because ‘…”holistic” refers to my conviction that what we are concerned with here is the fundamental interconnectedness of all things.’ This truth is increasingly recognised in the inter-relationship between the food and water sectors, which both are affected by (and perhaps compete for) management of land, and are both impinged upon by climate change. Both are internationally traded, certainly water embedded within products we consume, and this trade affects local conditions and decision making. In this talk, Ulijaszek will outline some of the broad-brush issues and highlight some of the connections between water and food systems: where competition leads to trade-offs, where there may be synergies and where pressures on both are similar and require similar actions. This is a story of systems under pressure, facing increasing variability from external forcing: what does the future hold?

Prof Tim Benton BA, Oxford, PhD 1990, Cambridge, FSB, FLS. Professor of Population Ecology and UK Champion for Global Food Security coordinating work across this area between research councils and government departments.

Thursday 26 June, 18.00 – 19.30
Screening Room, Somerset House South Wing, London WC2R 1LA

Tickets: free, but must be booked in advance
Ticket booking opens on Monday 19 May

This event is part of the programme of events, talks and workshops accompanying Museum of Water at Somerset House.

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