Thames Baths Project: Re-introducing swimming in the Thames (Chris Romer-Lee)

The Thames Baths Project is about re-claiming the capital’s largest public space for Londoners. The proposals look to re-establish an intimate and playful link between Londoners and this historic lifeblood of the city. Imagine swimming in the River Thames, surrounded by reeds that frame tantalising views of the city around you. The Thames Baths are not just for swimmers, but provide refuge and habitat for fish, birds and a wide range of flora. This is the river like you’ve never seen it before.

Chris Romer-Lee is co-founder and director of award winning London architects Studio Octopi. The practice was established in 2003 and has completed a number of significant commissions including, the refurbishment of a 1000 seat amphitheatre in Berkshire and the largest artists residency in London. Chris has lived in London all his life, so the Thames Baths Project has a particular personal resonance.

Tuesday 24 June, 13.00 – 13.45
Inigo Rooms, Somerset House East Wing, London WC2R 2LS

Tickets: £3 (£2 students, King’s staff and alumni)
Book tickets

This event is part of the programme of events, talks and workshops accompanying Museum of Water at Somerset House.

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